Sciatica Sufferers Listen Up: Chiropractic Care Reduces Pain, Promotes Healing

Sciatica Sufferers Listen Up: Chiropractic Care Reduces Pain, Promotes Healing

Are you experiencing pain along one side of your body from your lower back down through your hip and the back of your leg? If so, you could be suffering from a condition called sciatica.

According to the Mayo Clinic, sciatica can best be described as “most commonly occurring when a herniated disk or a bone spur on the spine compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg.”

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The Prevalence of Back Pain in School Kids Who Use Backpacks

While back pain is a known and widely-studied issue in adults, its prevalence in school-aged children has received comparatively little scientific attention. Elementary, middle, and high school students must often carry backpacks that weigh enough to cause chronic back pain, poor posture, and even decreased lung volume. Recently, several studies reveal the truths behind childhood back pain and ways to mitigate it.

Are Backpacks Too Heavy for Kids?

Recent research supports that children carrying backpack loads of more than ten percent of their bodyweight have a greater risk of developing back pain and related issues. An international study found that an alarmingly large proportion of school-aged children in Australia, France, Italy, and the United States regularly carried backpacks weighing more than the ten percent threshold.

In another study involving a sample of 1540 metropolitan school-aged children, over a third of the children surveyed reported back pain. In addition to carrying heavy backpacks, female students and those diagnosed with scoliosis had a greater association with back pain. Children with access to lockers reported less pain.

The number of straps on the backpack had little impact on the respondents’ answers. Children also reported limited physical activity due to back pain, and some took medication to relieve the pain.

Girls who carried purses in addition to wearing a backpack reported significantly greater back pain. Adolescents with back pain spent more time watching television than their peers. Over 80 percent of those surveyed believed that carrying a heavy backpack caused their back pain.

Proper Backpack Carrying Techniques

The studies revealed several factors that may help reduce back pain in school-aged children. The best way to prevent back pain is to avoid carrying heavy loads.

Children should take advantage of locker breaks and only carry items necessary for a couple of classes at a time. When lifting a backpack, children should crouch down and bend their knees rather than curve the spine.

While not conclusive, research also supports that carrying the weight differently, e.g., by hand rather than by backpack, may help prevent or reduce back pain. The American Occupational Therapy Association and the American Chiropractic Association offer these additional safe backpack etiquette tips:

  • Children should avoid carrying over 10 percent of their bodyweight in their backpack. For example, an 8th-grader weighing 120 pounds should carry no more than 12 pounds.
  • Place the heaviest objects at the back of the pack.
  • Make sure the items fit as snugly as possible to minimize back pain due to shifting weight.
  • Adjust the shoulder straps so they fit snugly over your child’s shoulders and the backpack doesn’t drag your child backward. The bottom of the pack should be less than four inches below your child’s waist.
  • Children should avoid carrying backpacks slung over one shoulder, as it can cause spinal pain and general discomfort.
  • Encourage your child to carry only necessary items in their backpack. Additional items can be carried in hand.
  • Look for backpacks with helpful features such as multiple compartments for even weight distribution, padded straps to protect the shoulders and neck, and waist belt.
  • If your child’s school allows, consider a rollerpack, which rolls across the floor like a suitcase.
  • If problems continue, talk to your child’s teacher or principal about implementing paperback textbooks, lighter materials, or digital versions.

Chiropractic Care Can Help

If your child continues to experience back pain, contact your local chiropractor. Chiropractic care benefits many adults with spinal discomfort, and licensed practitioners can provide tailored treatments for children.

Chiropractors can also recommend safe exercises to improve back strength, and additional advice on proper nutrition to build strong bones and joints, healthy posture, and more. If your child is experiencing back pain from carrying a backpack, give Dr. Ness a call. We’re here to help!

How Chiropractic Can Help Patients Who Suffer From Arthritis

Even though chiropractic excels in wellness care, it is becoming more common for people to visit chiropractors to treat a variety of different kinds of pain. Because of this, chiropractic adjustments provide many benefits to people and patients who suffer from a wide variety of conditions like arthritis. In today’s article, we’ll explore how chiropractic can help patients who suffer from arthritis and give you additional suggestions on how to alleviate the pain that’s associated with it.

What a Chiropractor Does

A Doctor of Chiropractic, also known as a chiropractor, is a health professional that focuses primarily on wellness care instead of sickness care. Their specialty focuses on adjusting the spine to correct misalignments that may be impinging on nerves.

Regular visits to a chiropractor can not only restore health throughout the body but also help alleviate back pain and other symptoms associated with an improperly aligned spinal column. They can also work with their patients to plan exercise routines and alterations in diet to assist management of inflammation and pain. Most insurance carriers cover visits to a chiropractor on at least some level.

What Is Arthritis?

Put simply, arthritis is inflammation in the joints which result in joint pain, stiffness and limited range of movement. There are over 200 different varieties of the ailment. While it is generally associated with age, it can also affect young people. It can strike almost any area of the body, with each region having a different cause and name. In some cases, arthritis can cause damage to soft tissues and muscles, like the heart and lungs.

Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It results from repeated trauma to the joint and becomes more common in the elderly.

Other common forms of arthritis include:

  • Rheumatoid arthritis, the second most common form in which the body’s immune system attacks the joint.
  • Psoriatic arthritis, another autoimmune form of arthritis.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis, also a type of arthritis where the body attacks itself.
  • Septic arthritis, which is caused by a viral or bacterial infection of the joint.


Diagnosing arthritis involves a complete and thorough examination. If a chiropractor feels the need to co-manage the case, a medical work-up by a rheumatologist may be recommended. This can include radiology (x-ray) or an MRI, urine and blood analysis and physical examinations.

It is important to have your condition properly diagnosed so you can more effectively treat the symptoms of the disease.

Chiropractors and Arthritis

The most common treatment for arthritis is medication, which can take down the inflammation and swelling and reduce pain. However, chiropractors can be of great help in managing arthritis. While medications work, it has long-term health risks such as impairing healing, damage to the stomach lining and internal bleeding.

By visiting a chiropractor you may be able to reduce your reliance upon these medications while managing your pain and symptoms naturally. A chiropractor can:

  • Improve your range of motion by keeping your spine in line
  • Improve endurance and flexibility
  • Increase your strength and muscle tone
  • Help you develop a dietary and nutritional plan to reduce inflammation naturally

In addition, chiropractors can recommend an exercise regimen that’s conducive to arthritis. According to the American Chiropractic Association, this is a vital component in managing your arthritis symptoms.

Treating the Symptoms

Please understand that chiropractors cannot cure your arthritis. At this time, there is no cure for this ailment. They can, however, help to alleviate the symptoms and slow the progression of the illness. They may use spinal adjustments in conjunction with other treatments to address the disease. These options can include:

  • Hot and cold therapy
  • Ultrasound treatments
  • Massage, Active Release Techniques
  • Electronic muscle stimulation
  • Physical rehabilitation
  • Magnet therapy

The Best Results

With an inflammatory disease like arthritis, the best results are achieved from attacking it at all angles. This means working with your chiropractor and rheumatologist to combine treatments, if necessary. In addition to their care, a healthy diet and active exercise regime will help move you in the right direction toward a healthier outcome.

If you or a loved one are suffering with arthritis, don’t hesitate to call Dr. David Ness today. For more information visit our website at We’re here to help in any way we can!