
5 Key Ways Expectant Mothers Benefit from Chiropractic Care
Pregnancy adds significant additional weight to a woman’s body in a short amount of time. This change bears on the spine, frequently pulling it out of alignment.
When this happens, the pain can be quite severe. Chiropractic care during pregnancy works to keep the spine in alignment and all supporting tendons working optimally, to be better prepared and able to adequately support the extra weight.
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Sciatica Sufferers Listen Up: Chiropractic Care Reduces Pain, Promotes Healing
Are you experiencing pain along one side of your body from your lower back down through your hip and the back of your leg? If so, you could be suffering from a condition called sciatica.
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Small Muscle Causes BIG Pain: Relieve Piriformis Syndrome with Chiropractic Care
A small muscle located deep in the buttocks, the piriformis muscle performs the essential function of rotating the leg outwards. Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle is tight and intrudes upon the sciatic nerve in the buttocks.
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How Golfers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care
If you have ever strained your back during a golf game, you are not alone. It’s estimated of the 30 million golfers in the United States, 80% have experienced some sort of back pain. As fun as it is, swinging at golf balls puts an individual’s body in an awkward position, opening up the opportunity for injury.
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How Runners Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care
Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and offers many benefits. It can be done anywhere, it tones the lower body, and it burns a ton of calories. Pounding the pavement or trails over time, however, can result in injuries to the knees, ankles, and hips.
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3 Differences in Sprains and Strains & How Chiropractic Can Help
As experienced chiropractors, we like answering the questions we receive from our patients. A common inquiry is “what is the difference between a sprain and a strain?” Sprains and strains are injuries to the musculoskeletal system that are commonly diagnosed conditions, and are two separate issues people frequently mix up. We will attempt to explain away some of the confusion today.
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4 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use While Working At A Desk
There are dangers in everyday life, from slipping in the shower to getting mowed down by the next door neighbor’s teenage driver. The risk doesn’t end once we are safely behind our desks, because… sitting is killing us!
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How Asthma Sufferers Can Breathe Easier With Chiropractic Care
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that has afflicted more people in the last 20 years than ever. Some doctors attribute the increase to the pollutants in the air, the changes in the modern diet, and lack of adequate ventilation in homes.
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How Fibromyalgia Sufferers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care
Fibromyalgia is one of today’s most common chronic pain conditions. According to the American College of Rheumatology, around 1 in 50 Americans currently suffer from fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, the condition is difficult to diagnose, and, being chronic in nature, can linger for several months or even years. Fibromyalgia typically causes pain throughout the body and creates areas so tender that the slightest pressure hurts.
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5 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use When Choosing The Perfect Pillow
Neck pain is nobody’s friend, and it is definitely not an ideal sleeping companion. Pain-filled nights can leave a person dull, groggy, and not ready to face the day in the morning. Unfortunately, certain sleeping positions can further aggravate neck pain to the point it robs a person of a good night’s sleep.
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