Why Shin Splint Sufferers Should Consider a Sports Chiropractor

Whether you are an training for a marathon, avid exerciser, an exuberant shopper, or a small child chaser, you have probably felt tightening and burning in your shin at one point in your life. Sometimes, the pain stops when the activity ceases, but other times the pain remains. If shin pain continues bothering you, it may be time to face the fact you have shin splints.

The shin is a bone located in the front part of your lower leg. Shin splints commonly occur in athletes who have intensified or changed their training routines. They also show up in regular people who have changed or added activity to their routine. Shin splints are usually the symptom of underlying biomechanical imbalances in the kinetic chain in addition to the above.

The lower leg muscles and shin bone (Tibia) has a lot of responsibility during exercise, as it absorbs the shock of the steps, raises the toes, and support the arch of the foot.

A few main culprits play a part in shin splints:

  • failing to stretch or foam roll properly before and after exercising
  • walking or running on hard surfaces, like pavement
  • wearing the wrong type of shoes during activity
  • over-exerting the body with strenuous activity & over training
  • skipping periods of rest between exercise
  • muscular imbalance and poor biomechanics

Individuals who perform any type of exercise should take appropriate measures to alleviate the above risk factors of shin splints. If you notice pain and soreness in the front part of your lower leg on the bone, know how to treat this injury properly.

If rest and ice aren’t doing the job and you’re still suffering pain, it’s time to see a doctor. A thorough exam and possibly an x-ray will diagnose the problem.

Sports Chiropractic care is a powerful choice for treating shin splints and reducing their recurrence. Five significant ways a sports chiropractic treatment benefits those suffering from shin splints are:

Reduction in pain

Chiropractic is proven to relieve the pain associated with bodily injuries and medical conditions, including shin splints. Sometimes one visit is enough to relieve the pain, other times the pain decreases over a series of appointments. Being able to diminish a high degree of pain down to a manageable level is possible for shin splint patients through chiropractic.

Full body alignment improves body biomechanics

The premise behind chiropractic is that it treats the body as a whole, and, in doing so, promotes healing and health to the injured or diseased areas. A chiropractor may work on your neck to help your calf. With shin splints, he or she may align your spine and joints to lessen the impact of activity on your shins. Again, the entire body is treated in order to create the best environment for health restoration.

Manual therapy like Active Release Techniques or Graston Technique.

Breaking up scar tissue, adhesions, and inflammation in the calf is key to a full recovery. Failure to treat the injured muscles with manual therapy may result in a reoccurrence of the injury.

Treating shin splints is a common procedure for chiropractors. Common practice is to adjust the calf, ankle, and foot to stretch and increase blood flow to the area.

Drug free treatment option

A primary benefit of chiropractic care is it requires no over-the-counter or prescription drugs. Individuals who suffer from stomach issues, or simply prefer to avoid drugs, find chiropractic visits a productive alternative to manage pain and promote healing.

Strengthening, Stretching and Foam Rolling

Once you are diagnosed with shin splints your doctor should prescribe therapeutic exercises, stretching, and foam rolling to help heal the injury and prevent it from coming back.

Chiropractors don’t just treat the spine. Your Doctor of Chiropractic will set an overall plan of attack for optimal recovery when dealing with shin splints.

It’s routine for sports chiropractors to alleviate the pain of shin splints. Identifying the cause of the problem and prescribing the proper treatment via adjustments, manual therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises the individual will recover faster. Pre and post activity foam rolling for the lower extremity will prevent scar tissue build up. These exercises further expand on the positive effects of the chiropractic therapy.

If you are one of the many people dealing with shin splints, don’t despair! Consider Dr. David Ness for your treatment option or in conjunction with other modes of treatment. Within a few visits, you will experience pain reduction, and enjoy a decreased risk of ever dealing with painful shin splints again.

Dr. David Ness is a sports chiropractor practicing in NY since 1988, and New Paltz, NY since 2002. Dr. Ness is in his 3rd season as the team chiropractor for Army West Point Football.  Dr. Ness has over 13 years experience working with college athletes and runners. Dr. Ness uses Active Release Techniques, cold laser, and therapeutic exercise & stretching programs to provide quick relief to patient’s suffering from shin splints.

Sciatica Sufferers Listen Up: Chiropractic Care Reduces Pain, Promotes Healing

Sciatica Sufferers Listen Up: Chiropractic Care Reduces Pain, Promotes Healing

Are you experiencing pain along one side of your body from your lower back down through your hip and the back of your leg? If so, you could be suffering from a condition called sciatica.

According to the Mayo Clinic, sciatica can best be described as “most commonly occurring when a herniated disk or a bone spur on the spine compresses part of the nerve. This causes inflammation, pain and often some numbness in the affected leg.”

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Small Muscle Causes BIG Pain: Relieve Piriformis Syndrome with Chiropractic Care

A small muscle located deep in the buttocks, the piriformis muscle performs the essential function of rotating the leg outwards. Piriformis Syndrome is a painful condition that occurs when the piriformis muscle is tight and intrudes upon the sciatic nerve in the buttocks. Causing pain and tenderness and sometimes numbness in the buttocks, piriformis syndrome pain may also radiate down the sufferer’s leg, and in some cases, even into the calf.

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How Golfers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Does this sound familiar?

It’s a warm sunny day with a bit of a breeze, you are on the back nine about to sink a putt. When you swing, your back seizes up with severe pain. The beautiful day of golf turns into painfully riding in the golf cart back to the clubhouse, and you limping painfully to your car.

If you have ever strained your back during a golf game, you are not alone. It’s estimated of the 30 million golfers in the United States, 80% have experienced some sort of back pain. As fun as it is, swinging at golf balls puts an individual’s body in an awkward position, opening up the opportunity for injury.

While some golfers suffer through the pain by popping over-the-counter medications, others back away from playing as often, or stop altogether. There’s another way to combat back injuries caused by golfing, without meds. It’s not a magic wand, it’s chiropractic care!

Golfers are increasingly finding chiropractic care to be a valuable tool to help them deal with back injuries. Here are FORE! ways chiropractors can help injured golfers get off the couch and back on the green.

Consistent adjustments can avoid injuries in the first place.

Golfing, or any activity, is more enjoyable and causes less chance of injury if an individual’s body is in top condition and operating normally. Periodic spinal adjustments keep the body functioning at maximum capacity, and reduce the chances of being injured. If the neck and back are aligned correctly, awkward positioning such as a golf swing will have a less negative impact.

Chiropractic treatment can reduce a golfer’s pain.

Back injuries can be extremely painful, and many turn to pain medications to gain relief and comfort. By treating the origin of the pain instead of just the symptoms, a chiropractor helps their patients manage the pain through manipulations, instead of drugs. Over the course of a few treatments, pain is often drastically diminished and much more manageable.

A golf injury can heal quicker with chiropractic care.

Injuries to the back or neck can heal faster when chiropractors treat them than on their own. An experienced chiropractor can adjust the spine, and also work on the joints and surrounding tissue that can cause pain and hinder healing. Chiropractic evaluation considers the body as a whole. By treating the entire body, it promotes quicker healing of the injury.

Increased mobility can be gained with chiropractic visits.

Golfers who play often as well as those who only play a few times a year know mobility is essential to a good golf game. Stiff joints and a weak back not only mess with the golf game, but can be the very issues that end up causing an injury.

A chiropractic treatment schedule keeps the body loose and strong, and working in optimum fashion. This prevents injuries and increases the chances of playing the game of your life.

Golfers need to realize the sport can cause serious injuries just like “rougher” sports like football and rugby. It’s a good idea to stretch before playing, stay hydrated, foam roll, and avoid overexertion.

If you are a golfer, chiropractic care is a valuable tool in staying healthy. Regular adjustments manual therapy like Active Release Techniques, and manipulations keep your body on track and performing with maximum mobility at the top of your game. If you do suffer an injury, a chiropractor can help you manage your pain and decrease the time it takes to heal.

Contact Dr. Ness today for more information on how we can help reduce the chance of injury for golfers, and promote healing.

Dr. David Ness is a sports chiropractor practicing in NY since 1988, and New Paltz, NY since 2002. Dr. Ness is a certified Titleist golf fitness instructor.  As well, Dr. Ness is the official chiropractor for the football team at United States Military Academy at West Point since 2015. Dr. Ness also provides chiropractic care at Marist College and Vassar College during the school year.

How Runners Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Step. Ouch. Step. Ouch. Step. Ouch.

Running is one of the most popular forms of exercise, and offers many benefits. It can be done anywhere, it tones the lower body, and it burns a ton of calories. Pounding the pavement or trails over time, however, can result in injuries to the knees, ankles, and hips.

Whether you run a few miles a week to keep the extra pounds off, or hoof it in several marathons a year, there is unfortunately a good chance you will get hurt at some point.

The first step to recovery if you injure yourself running is to give your body time to heal. A visit to the doctor, ice packs, and over the counter pain medication are all ways to treat an injury. However, one of the best ways runners can treat their injuries is by visiting a chiropractor.

If you are dealing with a running injury and think a chiropractor may be able to help you get back on your feet with less pain, you are most likely correct. Here are four important things to know about chiropractors and how runners can benefit from chiropractic care:

Chiropractors work on more than necks and backs

It’s a common misconception that a chiropractor’s sole purpose is to adjust their patients’ necks and backs. The entire body can benefit from a chiropractic manipulation. For example, the American Chiropractic Association (ACA) states that knee pain is the most common running injury.

Chiropractors are often able to work with an injured knee and bring about a positive outcome. Strains, sprains, and other trauma to your body’s joints can be treated by a chiropractor. Soft tissue around the joints benefit from chiropractic treatment, which can greatly ease an injury to the ankle, knee, or hip.

Chiropractic & Active Release techniques (ART) promotes quicker healing of the injured area

From increasing blood flow to the hurt area to breaking up restrictions with ART. Chiropractic treatment helps the body heal itself. Chiropractors view the body in its entirety, and may use manual therapy and adjustments on other parts of the body to stimulate healing of the afflicted area.

Chiropractors assist in pain management

Running injuries can often cause great pain that lasts for weeks. Visiting a chiropractor can help reduce the severity of the pain and shorten the amount of time you experience pain. This is an especially attractive benefit for those who avoid taking medicine. Sports chiropractic care helps manage the discomfort and soreness associated with the injury allowing the patient to rely less on drugs.

Chiropractic reduces the risk of getting re-injured

A common reason runners end up hurt is their bodies had something “out of whack” in the first place. Since chiropractors take the wellness of the body as a whole into consideration, they often work with runners to minimize the chance of re-injuring themselves or suffering a different injury. By making certain an individual’s body is in alignment and functioning properly, balanced biomechanically, a chiropractor can help the runner feel comfortable moving back into the routine of running after strengthening the injured area.

Running is a great form of exercise and stress relief, and many people run for years without incident. However, it’s vital to take steps up front to minimize the chances of getting hurt, including choosing proper shoes, stretching beforehand, foam rolling, and avoiding overtraining or other training errors.

If, however, you feel a twist, pop, or crack as you are out for your morning run or finishing your half marathon, know there are chiropractic treatment options available to you that will decrease pain, healing time, and the risk of re-injury. Just pick up the phone and give Dr. Ness. We’re here to help!

Dr. David Ness is a sports chiropractor practicing in NY since 1988, and New Paltz, NY since 2002. Dr. Ness is the official chiropractor for the football team at United States Military Academy at West Point since 2015. Dr. Ness also provides chiropractic care at Marist College and Vassar College during the school year.


3 Differences in Sprains and Strains & How Chiropractic Can Help

As experienced chiropractors, we like answering the questions we receive from our patients. A common inquiry is “what is the difference between a sprain and a strain?” Sprains and strains are injuries to the musculoskeletal system that are commonly diagnosed conditions, and are two separate issues people frequently mix up. We will attempt to explain away some of the confusion today.

Let’s look at three ways sprains and strains differ from each other.

1. Sprains and strains afflict different parts of the body.

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIH), a sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament which provides joint stability. A strain is a stretch or tear of a muscle or tendon in the area where it is turning into a muscle.

2. Sprains and strains are most often caused from different actions.

Falling or twisting the wrong way typically causes a sprain, because the movement forces a joint into an awkward position and ends up stretching or tearing the ligament. Twisting an ankle, falling down the stairs, or trying to catch yourself on an icy walkway are all ways to end up with a sprain.

A strain often results from overexertion or trauma, and repetitive movement. Lifting an item that is too heavy, jumping into an exercise routine that is too strenuous, or performing repetitive movements in either a sport or work are ways an individual can end up suffering from a strain.

3. Sprains and strains generally affect different areas of the body.

Sprains occur at parts of the body that are injured when falling or suddenly twisting. According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, ankle sprains alone number around 2 million each year.

Ankles, wrists, knees, and fingers are all areas that are frequently sprained. Strains, on the other hand, commonly occur in the back, shoulder, or hamstring, as both of these areas are affected by overexertion or repetitive movement.

Although sprains and strains are different injuries, they do have some similarities. This is most likely why people get them mixed up.

Let’s discuss a few commonalities of sprains and strains.

Both share common symptoms.  Both injuries can bring on pain, swelling, and limited movement at the injury site. Both injuries also can result in scar tissue or adhesions in the injured muscle or tendon. The pain can be moderate or intense, depending on the severity of the injury. Sprains and strains both benefit from ice packs, rest, and elevation.

They can require surgery.  Most diagnosed strains and sprains heal on their own with time, but a serious tear can require surgery to repair. With both injuries, it’s important to visit a doctor if an individual experiences severe pain and swelling, and decreased mobility.

Both can benefit from sports chiropractic care.& Active Release Techniques  Chiropractors can work wonders on the neck and back, but Active Release Techniques can assist in lessening the impact of a strain or sprain injury, by removing adhesions in the injured muscle or tendon.

The benefits of seeing a sports chiropractor for both sprains and sprains are twofold. Chiropractic treatments promote healing of the injured area as well as help strengthen the areas around the injury to decrease the chance of future injuries.

Sprains and strains can sideline individuals from their activities, no matter if they are athletes or regular guys doing yard work. It’s vital to take steps to avoid sprains and strains in the first place.

Always properly stretch and avoid overexertion to prevent strains. Take pains to clear walkways and stairways to avoid falls or sudden twisting movements to decrease the risk of sprains.

If you end up with a strain or sprain, contact us for a consultation. We have extensive experience in working with patients suffering from sprains and strains from sports injury or overuse.

Dr. David Ness is a sports chiropractor practicing in NY since 1988, and New Paltz, NY since 2002. Dr. Ness is the official chiropractor for the football team at United States Military Academy at West Point since 2015. Dr. Ness also provides chiropractic care at Marist College and Vassar College during the school year.

How Fibromyalgia Sufferers Can Benefit From Chiropractic Care

Fibromyalgia is one of today’s most common chronic pain conditions. According to the American College of Rheumatology, around 1 in 50 Americans currently suffer from fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, the condition is difficult to diagnose, and, being chronic in nature, can linger for several months or even years. Fibromyalgia typically causes pain throughout the body and creates areas so tender that the slightest pressure hurts.

Patients diagnosed with the condition have both traditional and alternative treatment options available to them. Traditional approaches to managing the pain and treating fibromyalgia are anti-inflammatory prescriptions, sleep medications, and muscle relaxers. Patients frequently choose natural remedies instead of or in addition to traditional medication, such as vitamin therapy, acupuncture, and meditation. One of the most common treatments is chiropractic care.

The main ways chiropractic care benefits those who suffer from fibromyalgia are:

Reduces pain levels

The most difficult issue to deal with for fibromyalgia sufferers is the constant pain, which often affects the entire body for weeks or months at a stretch. Although these patients initially seek care for the pain they’re experiencing, they soon realize that chiropractic also helps restore overall health and aids the body in self-healing.

By adjusting the spine to improve alignment, as well as incorporating Active Release Techniques, a form of soft tissue work, Dr. Ness can assist fibromyalgia patients in minimizing their painful pressure points caused by adhesions and scar tissue in thier muscles. Many who suffer with this condition look for relief with chiropractic treatment options, and experience a decrease in the tender spots.

Increases range of motion

Chiropractors are also able to adjust the body’s joints and help loosen them. For fibromyalgia patients, this can sometimes increase their range of motion and allow them to move more easily.

Sometimes it takes several treatments to see significant results, so it’s important to note that chiropractic treatment of fibromyalgia takes a commitment from the patient. The effects, however, are well worth the time invested.

Boosts sleep quality

A common by-product of the pain associated from fibromyalgia is lack of sleep. As anyone knows, being unable to snag several hours sleep can leave you feeling tired, foggy, and irritable.

By working with a chiropractor to loosen their joints and manage their tender points, patients suffering from this condition can enjoy a deeper sleep, and stay asleep longer.

Complements other treatments

Sometimes medicines counteract with each other, or mix together and cause side effects. A big advantage of chiropractic care is it can be utilized in tandem with medications or other remedies, whether traditional or natural.

An individual who is diagnosed with this condition should speak to his or her chiropractor about the various ways to treat it, and remember that there is not a one-stop solution. A treatment regimen should be built on a case-by-case basis tailored to the specific needs of that patient.

Empowers the patient

Individuals who must cope with painful, chronic illnesses can become exasperated with treatment options, and feel as if they have no control over their situations. Unfortunately, these feelings can bring on stress and depression, which only works against getting better. By working with a chiropractor, patients can feel more in charge of their pain management and more optimistic in their recovery.

People who are diagnosed with fibromyalgia need to understand that there are options available to them for pain management, and they may decide to try more than one at a time. Chiropractic care is a valuable tool to treat the symptoms of fibromyalgia, and patients who will commit will see the benefits of less pain, greater mobility, and better sleep. And, perhaps the best benefit of all, they can take control of their circumstances and be a vital part of managing their personal well-being.

If you or a loved one are suffering from fibromyalgia, don’t do it alone. Dr. Ness has a passion for helping people get well. So contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Dr. David Ness is a sports chiropractor practicing in NY since 1988. Dr. Ness is the official chiropractor for the football team at United States Military Academy at West Point since 2015. Dr. Ness also provides chiropractic care at Marist College since 2014, and Vassar College during the school year since 2010.

5 Tips Chiropractic Patients Can Use When Choosing The Perfect Pillow

Neck pain is nobody’s friend, and it is definitely not an ideal sleeping companion. Pain-filled nights can leave a person dull, groggy, and not ready to face the day in the morning. Unfortunately, certain sleeping positions can further aggravate neck pain to the point it robs a person of a good night’s sleep.

If you suffer from neck pain, the toll it takes on deep sleep isn’t news to you. What may surprise you, however, is choosing the right pillow can make a huge difference in whether you lie awake grumpily watching the clock or snuggle cozily into dream land.

A million pillow choices await you. The first order of business is determining the primary position you sleep in. Certain shapes of pillows cradle the head and neck more comfortably, depending on the sleeping position.

Now that you have determined your favorite sleeping position, you are ready to shop for a new pillow. Be certain to keep these five tips in mind before you settle on your new bed mate.

#1: Ask for a recommendation from your chiropractor.

Before selecting your new pillow, talk to the person who understands the cause of your neck pain, your chiropractor. He or she will give you some valuable pointers on choosing the pillow that will be most beneficial.

#2: Do your research.

Fire up the Internet and search for pillows by your sleeping position. Read the reviews from people who also have neck pain, and see which pillows helped them. Note the pillow name, price, and store that sells it.

#3: Think about the filling.

Pillows are filled with a variety of materials, and you will need to consider which one is right for you. Feather pillows may offer neck comfort, but if you are allergic this is the wrong choice.

Memory foam is a popular choice because of it’s ability to contour to your body’s shape. Give some thought to the type of filling that best suits your sleeping style.

#4: Consider the size.

Pillows should generally be between 4-6 inches in height, and should alleviate the pressure points around your neck and shoulders. Extra thick pillows or especially flat ones are most likely the wrong choices (again, this depends on your sleeping position).

Your size should also be considered when choosing a pillow. A large person needs a bigger pillow, while a more petite person should go with a smaller pillow. The bottom line is the pillow should provide support and comfort, and hold your neck in a neutral position.

#5: Don’t try to ‘make do’ with a budget pillow.

Pillows designed to reduce neck pain are not going to be cheap. With all the less expensive pillows available, its tempting to settle for a more modestly priced option.

Before you end up spending a smaller amount of cash on a pillow that won’t alleviate your current problem, remember the many painful nights and groggy mornings that you would have paid a ton of money just to feel good. Then open your wallet and buy the pillow that will minimize that from ever happening again. Parting with the cash won’t kill you. We promise.

Neck pain and the lack of sleep that results is a serious issue. Addressing it with a good chiropractor is the first step toward improving the situation.

Shopping for the perfect pillow is a close second in importance. By following these tips and taking the time to choose the right pillow, you will be snoozing away pain-free in no time at all!

2017 ART Ironman Performance Care race schedule

We are pleased to announce that our office will be providing ART Ironman Performance Care for the following events in 2017. Please check back in the spring to see the Shawangunk Runner’s Summer series schedule.

4/15/17 – Breakneck Ridge, Beacon, NY http://rednewtracing.com

5/13/17 – Spring Dual for CF, New Paltz, NY, http://springdualagainstcf.com

5/21/17 – American Zofingen, New Paltz, NY, http://www.active.com/new-paltz-ny/american-zofingen-2017

8/5/17 – Lime Kiln Trail Runs, Rosendale, NY, http://rednewtracing.com/

9/10/16 Survival of the Shawangunks, New Paltz, NY, http://sostriathlon.com

Key Ways Runners Can Benefit from Chiropractic Care

Running is one of Americans’ favorite forms of exercise. The reasons for its popularity are simple — it can be done almost anywhere, takes no special equipment, and burns lots of calories. Running also offers a great many health benefits such as weight control, decreased blood pressure and cholesterol, and relief from stress.

Everything with running is fabulous, right up until the time you hear a snap, crack, or pop. The downside of all the wonderful benefits is that running causes its share of injuries to the body.

The Ohio State Chiropractic Association presents an alarming statistic that two-thirds of runners will be injured in some way. Tendonitis, shin splints, ankle sprains, hip pain, and knee strains are a few of the many injuries brought on or exacerbated by a regular running routine.

What is a runner to do?

It’s important to take common sense precautions to not get injured in the first place. Purchasing high quality shoes and respecting the body’s limits are two excellent choices.

Another great choice is committing to chiropractic care. Regular runners can reap many positive results from visiting a chiropractor. Three big benefits chiropractic care offers for runners are the following:

Increased Range of Motion

Loose and relaxed joints allow for greater flexibility and movement, all of which benefit a runner’s gait and time. A study published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine found evidence that a chiropractic treatment regimen increased mobility in the hips over time.

While chiropractic care does not guarantee an individual will experience an increase in speed, unrestricted joints and better range of motion will definitely help a person move more freely and stand a better chance of avoiding running injuries.

Decreased Healing Time for Injuries

Unfortunately, runners frequently deal with injuries, some of which take weeks or months to heal. For dedicated runners, a serious injury is terrible news.

The first action for runners after they have been injured is to stop running so it can heal. Most runners do not want to risk losing the stamina that interrupting their routine brings on.

Chiropractors can work with runners who have injured themselves from the repetitive motion of running regularly. By using chiropractic adjustments, chiropractors can promote healing in the body as a whole. Runners love this because they want to get back to hoofing it as quickly as possible.

Minimized Instances of Becoming Injured

A spine out of alignment can cause other parts of the body to be weaker and more susceptible to injury. One part of the body compensating for another that is off kilter is one common way runners end up hurt.

Chiropractic treatment helps to keep the spine in alignment, which can have a ripple effect through the body. Regular adjustments can reduce the negative impact the jarring motion of running has on a person’s body, and help avoid running-relating injuries on the front end.

Running is a popular exercise routine for many, and yields a multitude of positive results to a person’s health and well-being. By taking proper steps to minimize the chance of injury, runners can enjoy the good points running brings to the table and steer clear of the bad.

Chiropractic care can be an effective part of making certain your body is in prime running condition and resistant to injury. If a person ends up dealing with an injury, chiropractic treatment may be able to boost healing time.

Ready! Set! Go!

If you are a runner and would like to talk further about the benefits chiropractic care offers you, contact us today for a consultation.